
Empower and understand the unique journey of women in the workforce, balancing professional aspirations with personal life. Tools for success.
The human side of digital transformation in this keynote, designed for leaders across all sectors, from manufacturing, retail to healthcare.
Tools for managers for business continuity and personal well-being during crisis
Explore how management is transforming and the tools in the hand of managers to engage and motivate employees in this new world of work.
Future of Work 2030: Navigating People, Tech, and Expectations
For visiting delegations, global leadership, policy makers – what can you learn from the Startup Nation about Future Fit organizations?
Changes in the world of work affect many processes in the organization ● In this workshop we will bring the future to your reality
לפרטים והרשמה


קצת ממה שמספרים עלינו…

Daniela Ilan
VP of HR, Red

Thank you very much for the fascinating lecture you gave as part of an executive meeting. Your talk generated a thoughtful conversation on the right topics.

Yafa Polenikoviat
Business Leadership Development, Bank Leumi

Nirit led an engaging, thought provoking and actionable, practical and effective career workshop, focused on tools and learning experience. Participants’ satisfaction with the activity in general and the instructor in particular was excellent.

Amit Oberkoviz

Nirit keynote for challenged our top 100 senior management. Nirit brings with her a very broad experience, which is evident in the content of her lecture and she connects between the circles of global-national-organizational change and the realities and challenges of the specific organization.

Major General Aviv Kohavi
Deputy Chief of Staff

Thank you for your significant contribution to the people development process at the IDF.

Michal Inbal-Yaakobson
VP of HR, BDO Israel

I knew Nirit when I started to formulate a new strategic plan. The challenging questions she asked and the rich knowledge she brought with her helped me clarify and focus directions. Later Nirit contributed to the management’s connection to the program in a fascinating lecture on the trends and changes in the world of work. Nirit touched on the questions that concern us as managers and opened the mind to us in new directions.

Amit Atias
Training coordinator, Ashdod Port

Nirit’s keynote on the future world of work was engaging thought provoking. It helped management realize that the knowledge, professionalism and experience we have accumulated will not necessarily serve us in tomorrow’s world and we must take responsibility for the management of our careers. I highly recommend hearing this talk!

Ruty Akman
VP of HR, Alchem Medical

I met Nirit as I was working a new HR strategic plan for a new CEO. She helped me plan processes to support cultural changes in the organization. Strongly recommend.

Michal Yanai
Strategic planning, Toronto friendship

Nirit gave a keynote at a seminar on the changing work environment. She generated great interest among participants and spoke to content that added practical knowledge for the employees. It was evident that the preparation we held with Nirit reflected in the content and the presentation. I have never before met a speaker who adapted so perfectly to her audience.

Brigadier General Oded Basik
Commander of 162nd Armor Division

In recognition of the keynote you gave for the 162nd Armor Divisional Commanders

מתוך הבלוג

ברוכים הבאים אל עולם העבודה העתידי. השינויים כבר כאן, בין אם אנחנו אוהבים אותם ובין אם לאו
והשאלה היחידה איננה אם הם ישפיעו עלינו אלא מתי זה יקרה והאם נהיה מוכנים

Is generative AI in classrooms cheating or the future of education? Discover how AI can enhance learning and prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow’s workforce.
Discover the power of strategic quitting—learn how letting go of what’s comfortable can create space for new opportunities, drive personal and professional growth, and unlock your full potential.
Discover how to strategically curate your knowledge streams to stay relevant and inspired in today’s fast-paced world. Learn practical tips for expanding your horizons, connecting with new people, and enjoying the journey of lifelong learning.
Explore how seasoned professionals can enhance their unique expertise by building their processes around Gen-AI tools. Discover a four-step guide, complete with real-world applications, to not just stay relevant but excel in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.
Discover key strategies for balancing work and life during crises. Learn from global examples and explore innovative solutions for maintaining business continuity and personal wellbeing, while shaping a resilient and adaptive workforce for the future.
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