People & Careers

The Future of Work transforms Careers

For Organizations: 

The new world of work is changing career paths and these, in turn, transform the way employees engage with organizations. If your organization is focused on:

  • Becoming a Future-Fit organization with the right people in the right places with the right skills at the right time.
  • Encouraging managers to think about their careers and promote their understanding of their own career and development so that they are able to be the managers their people need.  
  • Sharing responsibility with employees for their employability including career development, lifelong learning, performance conversations, internal movement, career paths, redeployment and retirement.

For People: 

Careers need to be managed. Employability no longer stems from a profession or a job or even an employer. It depends on our ability to stay relevant in the job market and manage our careers through their accelerating cycles of learning, growth, performance and transitions. If you want to:  

  • Understand the new tools to navigate your career through the increasing pace of change. 
  • Grow your impact and influence through personal branding, networking and mastery of organizational politics 
  • Set personal goals and build a customizable implementation plan.


And for Career Consultants:

For consultants, human resources, the many nonprofits operating in the field, as well as for educators and civil service 

  • Explore how the changes in the world transform work and career paths
  • Evolve your role with new tools and updated thinking required for anyone supporting the transformation
  • Bring the changes back to the reality of your work and plan your strategy.

Consulting Services:

To ensure we have the right people in the right places with the right skills at the right time we have to re-imagine our People Strategy and identify the most critical processes for re-design, including:

  • Management development, coaching, mentoring, leadership and bench processes
  • Employee development and career paths, continuous learning, growth, reskilling and upskilling  
  • Career management and life cycle including performance, engagement, compensation & benefits and talent strategies. 

Keynotes and workshops for organizations:

Where the Future of Work meets Reality, Nirit’s Keynotes and Workshops help managers, leaders, employees and teams think through the implications of the changing world of work. Explore the realities and the required transformations in careers, management, people strategy and strategies for a Future-Fit organization. 

Depending on the objectives and scope of your event, Keynotes are tailor for your needs. Examples:

Workshop Examples: 

Changes in the world of work affect many processes in the organization ● In this workshop we will bring the future to your reality

Upcoming events with open registration:

להסתיר את החלק הזה – לבדוק שהליסטינג למטה לוקח מאנגלית.

The tools of the New World will help employees and managers take responsibility and navigate their careers in the organization
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A sample of talks in English

ASU+GSV Summit
Play Video

What is Expertise in the new world

Webinar with Colin Iles
Play Video

Israel – the Future of Work

Parenting Puzzle: We Can Work it Out
Play Video

Working parents in the new norm

Work2.0 Podcast
Play Video

Talents and Orgs in the #FutureOfWork with @NiritCohen

Tel Aviv University
Play Video

The future of careers

Play Video

The Future of Work


See what people are saying…

Daniela Ilan
VP of HR, Red

Thank you very much for the fascinating lecture you gave as part of an executive meeting. Your talk generated a thoughtful conversation on the right topics.

Yafa Polenikoviat
Business Leadership Development, Bank Leumi

Nirit led an engaging, thought provoking and actionable, practical and effective career workshop, focused on tools and learning experience. Participants’ satisfaction with the activity in general and the instructor in particular was excellent.

Amit Oberkoviz

Nirit keynote for challenged our top 100 senior management. Nirit brings with her a very broad experience, which is evident in the content of her lecture and she connects between the circles of global-national-organizational change and the realities and challenges of the specific organization.

Major General Aviv Kohavi
Deputy Chief of Staff

Thank you for your significant contribution to the people development process at the IDF.

Michal Inbal-Yaakobson
VP of HR, BDO Israel

I knew Nirit when I started to formulate a new strategic plan. The challenging questions she asked and the rich knowledge she brought with her helped me clarify and focus directions. Later Nirit contributed to the management’s connection to the program in a fascinating lecture on the trends and changes in the world of work. Nirit touched on the questions that concern us as managers and opened the mind to us in new directions.

Amit Atias
Training coordinator, Ashdod Port

Nirit’s keynote on the future world of work was engaging thought provoking. It helped management realize that the knowledge, professionalism and experience we have accumulated will not necessarily serve us in tomorrow’s world and we must take responsibility for the management of our careers. I highly recommend hearing this talk!

Michal Yanai
Strategic planning, Toronto friendship

Nirit gave a keynote at a seminar on the changing work environment. She generated great interest among participants and spoke to content that added practical knowledge for the employees. It was evident that the preparation we held with Nirit reflected in the content and the presentation. I have never before met a speaker who adapted so perfectly to her audience.

Brigadier General Oded Basik
Commander of 162nd Armor Division

In recognition of the keynote you gave for the 162nd Armor Divisional Commanders

Chen Cohen
HP Israel Learning and Development lead

Nirit held a session on the new career management tools as part of a technology women’s workshop. The participants said the lecture helped them understand that they needed to expand and diversify their professional network in order to navigate and accelerate their careers.

From our blog: stay updated

The column on the future world of work is also published in the Globes and examines what is changing and what can be done about it, each time from a different perspective

Discover why the traditional single career is fading and why professionals today must juggle four concurrent careers to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving world.
Discover the power of strategic quitting—learn how letting go of what’s comfortable can create space for new opportunities, drive personal and professional growth, and unlock your full potential.
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