Reframe Quiet Vacationing As Working From Anywhere

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This article was initially published on Forbes

In the evolving world of work, new terms seem to emerge almost as quickly as the trends they describe. The latest buzzword making headlines is “quiet vacationing,” which is often misunderstood as employees taking time off without formally notifying their employers. Critics argue that employees who engage in this behavior are skirting responsibilities, exploiting remote work flexibility, or expressing dissatisfaction with their workplace. Others point to it as an indicator of a fractured company culture, suggesting a lack of trust between employees and employers. But what if this interpretation misses the mark entirely?

Reinterpreting Quiet Vacationing

The idea that quiet vacationing is a problem to be fixed is rooted in assumptions tied to outdated work models, rather than the evolving dynamics of today’s workplace. What if employees working from anywhere—whether at home or halfway across the world—is neither “quiet” nor a “vacation,” but rather a natural evolution of the work-from-anywhere culture? Instead of viewing it as a red flag, we should recognize it as a step toward a new social contract between people and work.

The discussion around “quiet vacationing” mirrors the one we had about “quiet quitting”—where employees do only what is required and set firm boundaries around their work. That, too, much like discovering your employee is working from Italy without your knowledge, was initially met with alarm. Both behaviors are seen as undermining the traditional work ethic. Instead, we should see quiet quitting and quiet vacationing not as rebellions against work, but as logical extensions of remote work culture, where the boundaries between work and personal life are fluid.

From Great Resignation to Work-From-Anywhere

To see this in perspective, we should go back to the Great Resignation and the Great Reshuffle that followed, where we began witnessing the new boundaries being drawn between work and life. The pandemic reminded us that life is short and that every day we go to work is a day of our lives we trade—it better be worth it. This realization led many people to walk away from jobs they no longer found fulfilling and to seek new ones based on criteria that extended beyond just pay.

Initially, to do that, they needed to quit (Great Resignation) and renegotiate a new deal elsewhere (Great Reshuffle). Quiet quitting was the natural next step—people realized they could renegotiate without changing employers and began drawing new lines with their existing employers. Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen this tug-of-war between leaders trying to bring people back to the office and employees demanding to retain the autonomy to work from wherever they see fit. And that’s how we arrive at “quiet vacationing,” which isn’t really vacationing if employees are working remotely—just not from home.

Quiet vacationing is an evolution of the work-from-anywhere model. This shift doesn’t mean employees are any less committed or productive. In fact, it may indicate the opposite: they are seeking ways to maintain their well-being so they can continue to contribute meaningfully over the long term. This is not an erosion of work ethic but an evolution toward a more human-centered approach to work.

Managing People in a Work-From-Anywhere World

Managers are right to recognize that they can’t simply continue as they did before. Work from anywhere—whether it’s home or Italy—demands that we focus on the work that needs to get done, contract around availability, and clarify expectations for collaboration and dependencies. Managers absolutely have the right to define all of these with their teams. But once they do, and as long as their people are available, collaborating, and delivering, they can no longer dictate that working from home is different from working from Italy. And working from Italy is work, not vacation.

In this context, quiet vacationing is not about deceit or shirking responsibilities; it’s not even about employees secretly taking time off. It’s about employees asserting control over their lives in a world of work that used to demand full control. It’s a quiet but powerful statement that employers don’t own us, our lives, or our time. They simply contract with us to get work done. And as long as we do our work and adhere to the agreements around availability and dependencies, the rest of our lives is no one’s business except our own.

Ramping Up the Volume on the Quiet Trends

The quiet trends aren’t about reducing productivity or disengagement; they’re about redefining work in a way that integrates seamlessly with life. They reflect the understanding that employees are not owned by their employers, but rather contracted to deliver results. The focus, therefore, should be on managing work effectively—setting clear expectations and respecting boundaries—rather than trying to control how or where work is done.

In this redefined workplace, quiet vacationing isn’t a sign of a cultural problem but an opportunity to embrace flexibility and trust. It’s a chance to build a work environment where life is not sacrificed at the altar of productivity, but where both can coexist in a healthy, balanced way. As we move forward, it’s time to reconsider our perceptions of these so-called “quiet” trends. Rather than reacting with fear or suspicion, let’s see them for what they are: a natural progression towards a more human-centered, results-oriented future of work.

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Nirit Cohen

Nirit Cohen is an expert in the future of work, bridging the gap between emerging trends and practical solutions, providing valuable insights for careers, management, organizations, and broader societal systems.

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