HR Strategist. Thought leader, Blogger and Speaker for the Future of Work
Nirit leads an innovative conversation on the future of work and the strategies required to transform careers, organizations, management as well as broader economic and social systems such as education and civil service.
With over 25 years at Intel Corporation in Israel, EMEA, US and Global responsibilities Nirit has extensive experience in Human Resources, Mergers & Acquisitions, HR Information Systems and Finance. Throughout her career, Nirit partnered with managers and organizations in pushing the boundaries of what is possible. In various senior leadership positions she has lead organizations in designing and managing leading strategies in support of current challenges as well as future trends across the entire employee life cycles and a multitude organizational strategies.
In the past decade, in addition to her roles as a senior HR Director at Intel Corporation, she has been passionately researching, writing, speaking and consulting on strategies for the Future of Work. Nirit led a number of Intel and Industry trendspotting and Future of Work conferences and has partnered on a number of Intel, Academic and other published publications.
Today she is a recognized thought leader and popular speaker and consultant on the future of work and is known for her ability to paint a clear picture of how work is transforming and how this transformation impacts people & careers, organizations, management & employee engagement as well as the implication to broader systems from education to labor laws and civil service. Her work ranges from consulting on policy for government agencies, working with leaders in education institutions on transformation and lifelong learning, speaking at organizations on manager roles in future proofing organizations and careers, working with HR to prepare for the new work of work as well as consulting individuals on career transitions.
Nirit writes a weekly column in the “Globes” financial paper, as well as an active blog with a large following.